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Trinity United Christian Church
  • TUCC is involved in both local and global missions. In the Cheney community Trinity United participates with the Cheney Emergency Fund which helps local citizens who are in need of assistance with utilities, prescription drugs or medications, glasses, rent, or other emergency needs. TUCC also participates in local food drives and the distribution of clothing and holiday gifts within our community.



  • Nicaragua:

    Trinity United works with Santa Emilia, which is a village in upcountry Nicaragua, to improve the quality of life there.TUCC supports the high school in the village.Before becoming involved, their public education stopped at the 6th grade. Most kids simply could not afford to receive higher education. Because of the work of Trinity United, free public education will be available to them from now on.

    In partnership with the Nicaraguan government, the village, and TUCC, a water system provides clean water to 180 of the 203 houses thus far in the village. Drinking water was carried from the river which is polluted.


    The church helps provide the clinic in the village with medicine and supplies and has helped build several houses, as shown here. One cannot imagine the gratitude that this family feels for this gift.






  • Tennyson Center in Colorado

    Trinity United has an active ministry with the Tennyson Center, which is a home for abused children. Each year several youth and adults spend a week in Colorado working with these kids. 1,500 volunteers per year travel to the Tennyson Center to provide services for the youth there. In 2010 Trinity United was given the Maygall Award which is the ‘Volunteer of the Year’ Award. This was an incredible honor!


    Leading events for the children is just one of the many services provided.The volunteers play with the kids and aid in instruction. Acting as a role model for these hurting children is pivotal in their development.


  • Global Ministries:

    Trinity United is also active within our denominational mission efforts which touches lives in 270 countries. Global Ministries partners with both of our denominations, the Christian Church (Disciples Of Christ) and the United Church Of Christ. Find more info at

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