Trinity United Christian Church
416 Washington St.
Cheney, Kansas 67025
TOWN Is Cancelled For Tonight, February 12th, Due To Weather
Sundays at TUCC - How We Come Together for Worship
We will have in-person and streaming service at 10:00 am. Bible Study in the Library at 9:00 a.m. As we have been doing, we will still keep our video broadcasting of our service, and you can add comments, share prayer requests, and catch services you've missed on our Facebook Page (TUCC Cheney).
Trinity on Wednesday Nights (T.O.W.N.)
Trinity Learning Center is an accredited preschool that meets in the mornings. Our director, Becca Burdick, and teacher, Colleen Harrington, help students learn skills to prepare for kindergarten and beyond. Each day, we learn social skills, the alphabet, writing, songs, and bible lessons.
Our Monday-Wednesday-Friday classes are aimed for 4 year olds getting ready for kindergarten, and our Tuesday-Thursday classes are aimed for 3 year olds just getting started with preschool. Kids are able to come 2 days a week, 3 days, or even all 5 depending on your family's needs.
Trinity Learning Center is enrolling for the 2024-2025 school year and we'd love to have you join! Classes are offered every morning from 8:15-11:15. For more details or to enroll please contact Becca Burdick at 316-680-8152
Online Giving
If you would like to participate in online giving to Trinity United Christian Church, please click here to set up your account. If you would like to participate in online giving to Trinity Learning Center, please click here to set up your account. You may also text to this toll-free number to give. TUCC number is: 844-948-1169
The mobile app for your phone, "Give+", can be found at the Apple App Store or Android Play Store. When you add your zip code Trinity United Christian Church will come up.
Fall@Trinity United Christian Church